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Prepare / Enrich is a customised couple assessment completed online that identifies a couple's strength and growth areas. Based on a couple's responses, a trained Facilitator provides a number of feedback sessions to help couples create stronger relationships and get to know each other better. Invest in your relationship!

Worldwide, over 2.5 million couples have

taken the Prepare / Enrich Program since it

began in 1980. It costs $42 for the couple

assessment. It gives you and your Facilitator

a report about

  • your styles of communication, 

  • conflict resolution,

  • each other's habits, 

  • expectations about living together,

  • leisure, family and friends,

  • money and finances,

  • children and parenting,

  • affection and sex.


The more you know each other, the better to build your life together.

All couples, even those together for decades can enrich their shared life! 

For a fee of $200, I can be your trained Facilitator with a session before the survey and two sessions afterwards to discuss results and feedback together.



Prepare / Enrich programs are customised to different life stages, including couples who are dating, engaged or married (with or without children). Follow this link to their website for more information.

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