Example of Standard Short and Sweet Ceremony - Options are highlighted
Thank you all for being a part of this special day for J and A.
My name is Rhyan Andrews, and I am the marriage celebrant for today’s ceremony and on behalf of J and A,
I’d like to welcome you, their friends and family to this, their wedding day.
If you can now stand for the entry of the bridal party.
You choose how you would like the bridal party to enter - bride with father or accompanied by both parents, or both of couple accompanied by parents or the wedding couple coming in together.
J is being walked down the aisle today by her father, B.
Thank you, please be seated everyone.
You choose options for the bride or couple to be given away or not.
Who brings this woman to be married on this day?
B : I do.
You have cared for and supported J as she grew into this lovely young woman. Thank you, please be seated.
Option to be given away by everyone present or for everyone present to give their blessings and support to the couple.
Ladies and gentlemen, J and A have asked that you all be a part of their special day by becoming involved in their ceremony. They have requested that you collectively give them away to each other in marriage.
With this in mind, I now ask you all to say, “We do” when I ask you.
Do you the family and friends of J and A bring them to be married to each other today?
Guests : We do.
Thank you!
A short poem chosen by A and J about this day is by author unknown.
Today I marry my friend, the one I laugh and cry with,
The one I have learned from and shared with.
This one I have chosen to support, encourage and give myself to,
Through all the days given us to share.
Today I marry the one I love.
Speaking with this lovely young couple about their journey to today, (Option of a few words about how you both met or what today means for you).The word “soulmates” was mentioned several times and seemed to sum it up, finding your soulmate is a wonderful thing. Having fun together, sharing the same sense of humour and today is about celebrating that love.
I am duly authorized by law to solemnise marriages according to law. Before you are joined in marriage in my presence and in the presence of these witnesses, I am to remind you of the solemn and binding nature of the relationship into which you are now about to enter. Marriage, according to law in Australia, is the union of two people to the exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered into for life. (Mandatory to be said)
J, please repeat after me.
I call upon the persons here present to witness that I, (full name) take you, (full name) to be my lawful wedded wife (Also Mandatory but can say partner or spouse). A, will you take this step with me, building our future together?
A : I do.
A, please repeat after me.
I call upon the persons here present to witness that I, (full name) take you, (full name) to be my lawful wedded husband (or partner or spouse). J will you take this step with me, building our future together?
J : I do.
You may kiss each other!
The rings please.
J, repeat after me.
“With this ring, I thee wed. I bind my life to yours. It is a symbol of my love and everlasting friendship and the promise of all my tomorrows.”
A, repeat after me.
“With this ring, I thee wed. I bind my life to yours. It is a symbol of my love and everlasting friendship and the promise of all my tomorrows.”
May these rings be a symbol of your unity here today. Of two lives joined in one unbroken circle.
We will now sign the marriage certificates. Please enjoy the music. Our witnesses, please join us.
Please join me in congratulating and welcoming for the first time as husband and wife, (Options here include married couple, partners for life, husband and husband, etc), Mr and Mrs C (Options include first names, shared legal names, etc).
Thank you all for being a part of this wonderful day.
Option to give thanks to special guests or visitors for coming to this celebration today.
Option of announcements about refreshments, toilets, drinks, etc.
Please feel free to come forward and congratulate the lovely couple on this wonderful day of beginning this new stage of their life together.