To make a start on the paperwork, either print these forms, fill in, then scan them to email back to me. Or type on it, then save and email back to me.
Or bring along when we meet.
1) Your Contact Details Form
2) Getting to Know You Both Form
Tell me about you, how did you meet?
What do you love about being together?
3) Notice of Intended Marriage (NOIM) Form
We complete this together to begin the formal process of the marriage.
It must be completed at least 30 days before the wedding day and I need to sight original identity documents, such as birth certificate or passport, and photo ID.
Other documents, such as divorce papers or death certificates, are needed if either party have had prior marriages.
To avoid disappointment, let me know early if this is a problem.
For weddings, part of my job as the celebrant is being responsible for the legal process and paperwork of registering a valid marriage.
You can check my celebrant registration through the Attorney-General's Department. If you were unhappy with my service to you, there is a complaint process through that Department although I am always happy to discuss any concern because I want you happy!
The Attorney-General's Department also requires all celebrants to inform clients of the Celebrants Code of Practice,
and the Happily Ever...Before and After leaflet.
Please have a read as it explains about the process of marriage, your rights as a client and services there to help. As a celebrant and counsellor, my job is to help strengthen relationships and family life as something intrinsic to our sense of self and a source of joy and contentment.